I was walking by Lake Merritt around sunset, and heard a guitar playing. Upon closer inspection, it looked like a ukelele. Which was it?
“I know, right? It’s a Guitalele, they have them at Guitar Center”
A ukuelele sized guitar? You mean one can have the best of both the guitar and the ukelele?
After college I had spent time learning how to play the guitar. At the time, however, I only learned how to play tabs. The thought process then was: “what’s the point of learning the notes, if the goal was just to learn how to play songs?”
- similarly to the way classical pianists are trained.
But recently I thought it would be cool to become musical in the future, like a jazz trained musician. I want to become the bass guitarist of a jazz or rock band. But first things first, learning the guitar; many of the original bass guitarists were guitar players who became bassists after the rock n’ roll genre took off, and a lot of bass guitar fundamentals are apparently easier to learn on an acoustic.