The Amplituhedron
I’ve been reviewing the publication history of Dr. Prado, and some of the things he says flow off of where I left off while studying cognition. Meaning, I see certain concepts the trail has led me to.
“The economy is a dynamical system”: at a high level this means that it is something which has a temporal component, although it also has a whole host of historical context in the study of say, weather systems, which are beyond the capabilities of current day science to predict accurately more than 7–10 days into the future (rather, there are probabilities for a forecast X days forward). The brain is also a dynamical system, so are stars, etc. Dynamical systems are currently studied less with the traditional types of mathematics used in finance and economics, and more with other types of mathematics plus simulations run on supercomputers.
“The economy is a complex adaptive system”: what is a complex adaptive system? Well, life is. Anything that self organizes (like a flock of birds), reproduces itself, and also has a memory of the previous incarnation (our DNA, for instance) is called a “third order CAS” (complex adaptive system).
I’ve been studying completely different stuff, though I know that these things are in the scientific zeitgeist.
Anyways, I found the research paper he published (while working at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs) in 2014 that is most likely part of his theoretical approach
In my estimation using the Brazilian Jiujitsu belt scale, this might be a purple belt paper. For an example what might be a brown or black belt level paper, google the Amplituhedron — which sounds like a stage name at EDC.